The Four Non-Intersecting Layers of Dubai

Hussein Articles

Dubai is a multi-cultural haven for global citizens, a world hub where dreams could come true if you are adequately qualified and willing to work hard, we can categorize the people living here to four non-intersecting layers that rarely – or never – interact directly, people of each layer practically live in a totally different “Dubai” than those of other …

HusseinThe Four Non-Intersecting Layers of Dubai

Eventually & Grudgingly .. Expat

Hussein Articles

Borg El Arab International Airport, Alexandria March 21st, 2013 “I never intended”, or “لم أكن أنتوي”, said the former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in his most sentimental speech during the revolution, I – neither – never intended, it came absolutely forcibly and grudgingly, I never intended to flee the land where I was born, raised, educated, fallen in love, raised a family …

HusseinEventually & Grudgingly .. Expat